New York City Dads Can Now Change Dirty Diapers As a parent we become pretty great at MacGyvering our way through any situation where we need to make things happen for our children. I remember numerous times where I would walk to a bathroom with the kids and walk into a bunch of stalls with no changing tables. Here come those handy MacGyver skills to use– angrily ripping thousands of…
*Product was given to me for review. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated* Having a newborn myself I can understand the need for parents wanting to go all organic; it’s natural and free of chemicals, why not go that route? The Acure Organics, a family owned business, caters to just that. Each of their products is free from animal testing, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, harmful…
Life as a parent of a toddler is hard, exhausting, but usually always funny when you look back on it– 1. You dream of their favorite show like Sesame Street and secretly– or not secretly become obsessed. 2. You stay up watching Sesame Street or Fresh Beat Band way after they’ve been sleeping. 3. You start crying inconsolably like little one because you both don’t know what you want, haha.…
Lately Ziana has been a pain in the ass within the last week. It started when she started waking up at 7:30AM, granted for any parent that’s good, but not for me! Also, she’s been moody, real clingy and mischievous. Can I catch a break!? Haha. I’m so in love with this kid I’d do anything, but waking up at 7:30 is not something I’m up for especially when I…
My daughter is a GENIUS! Everyone thinks their child is the cutest and smartest, haha. In recent weeks Ziana has made small milestones which to a parent if you’re one is exciting! So here’s an update on all her new milestones within the recent weeks. First things first, our little hungry hippo turned 5 months on Friday!! we did a very small shoot and I got a couple good ones.…
Came back from running errands and Baby Z decided to leave me a present for when we got home poop! I don’t know what’s going on! I feed her rice cereal on occasion and started on carrots the other day, but mostly milk. So exactly what is she pooping out?? Last week, I decided to take a trip to my boyfriend’s job and waited in the car a bit until…
I really do think Baby Z enjoys throwing up and pooping! Since the day of her birth it’s been constant spit up, it even stopped for a few days and I thought I was out of the clear. Of course I was wrong or I wouldn’t be talking about it. Then if she’s not spitting up her meal I prepared for her, she’s farting away and pooping! Who knew they…
I am absolutely in love with my daughter! As my best friend said, “I would eat my son’s crap!” Yeah, she said it I’m not even lying! Well I decided to give you a few points on why you too may want to have a child… They have super-powers right from the get: -They can fart and burp at the same time. -They smile at you and cry at the…
I was up and about at 8AM this morning with Baby Z, by the way if you’re wondering why I don’t mention her name it’s because I want to keep that private-for now. Anyways, yes the day started with a cry, a dirty diaper and about an hour of breast-feeding! Breast-feeding is a job in itself! When I was at the hospital I first tried it, it became painful that…
I absolutely love taking pictures and the magic that goes behind taking a picture. The photographers I have worked with are amazing (check my credits tab)! It takes time to learn how to use a camera and perfect your pictures through light room, Photoshop or simply how to work with natural light. Since a young age I loved taking pictures and was always the annoying one in the family to…