They never said potty training boys would be easy, and I thought I would be one of the lucky ones who would be done with it in just a matter of 3 days. I mean, come on, Ziana took about a week, but then again she is a girl. Apparently, boys take longer to train- go figure! When I potty trained Ziana it was only her, her and I, a…
*This post has been sponsored, but all reviews and opinions are my own* Potty training is seriously one of the hardest things in a parents life. Not only is it an exciting milestone to achieve for your little one, but also for you! No more spending tons of money on wipes and diapers, so it’s easier on our pockets. I was so eager to start potty training Ziana and I…
This past weekend I attended the NY Baby Show and you may be wondering what exactly that is. The NY Baby Show was an exhibit of many family brands for you newborn to your toddler and anyone was welcomed to attend; expectant parents, first time parents to the been-there-done-that parents. I was super eager to attend because as you already know we are trying for our second headache– I mean…
Potty training is one of the hugest milestones for your child to accomplish. It’s also one of the most frustrating times for both kids and parents. Everyone says to potty train when your child shows signs that their ready, I believe their ready when you show them to get ready. I started potty training my daughter, Ziana, at 18 months and was doing good until I regressed one day and…
I’m potty training Ziana. Yeah, I got the same looks and questions about why I think it’s necessary to potty a train a then 13 month old. Well why not? There’s really no correct age to potty train your child many believe that by 2-3 years of age is the more appropriate age, but why do you want to wait when they’ll have more free will to do what they…