**If you rather see and hear me talk about what’s below check out my video on my Youtube channel. Can you believe its been three-months since Gunner has been born? It seems just like yesterday I was pregnant and delivering him in front of all of Youtube to watch. The first two months were brutal because with a newborn every day is filled with hourly surprises of midnight feedings or…
I was hours away from not being able to put up the photos I did of Ziana today. You see my genius boyfriend decided to mess with the computer and ended up messing it up so now we’re waiting for some CD to arrive in order to reboot it. With no computer there’s no way I can edit them. Thankfully, I borrowed a friends computer and worked my magic there.…
It’s that time again, with every holiday comes a mini-photoshoot with Ziana. Thankfully, I remembered last minute that instead of Valentine’s Day being the next holiday it was New Years. So I scrambled to get something done. Can’t wait for a better lens to make these pictures even better! HAPPY NEW YEAR AND ENJOY! Can’t have a shoot without at least one crying picture, haha And of course a meme,…
This weekend was filled with running errands which was so boring! First stop was the car dealership to get the car checked out since it always acts funny when we are heading to Pennsylvania. While the car was at the dealership we went to go Bed Bath and Beyond to get a big cooking pot and see if I could pick up some decorations for Ziana’s Thanksgiving shoot, I was…
Thanks Sandy! And thanks to Bloomberg for not rescheduling!…
Don’t forget to vote for Baby Z in the Gerber generation competition. If she win’s her milestone, she gets money for her college tuition! If she ends up winning the whole competition she will get a national ad on top of a college tuition! Can’t go wrong there! Click on this link Vote for Ziana Also vote for my nephew Caleb by clicking Vote for Caleb…
As soon as Baby Z woke up at 9AM yesterday- I fed, changed her and was on my way to the mall. I had about two hours to shop until I knew she would become fussy. Yesterday Baby Z and I spent some of daddy’s hard earned money on shopping. It was fun, haha! I just needed some new clothing to fit this new body and I heard Sears had…
I was up and about at 8AM this morning with Baby Z, by the way if you’re wondering why I don’t mention her name it’s because I want to keep that private-for now. Anyways, yes the day started with a cry, a dirty diaper and about an hour of breast-feeding! Breast-feeding is a job in itself! When I was at the hospital I first tried it, it became painful that…