Browsing Tag:

road trip

Blog/ Travel

Road Trip Apps That You’ll Need

We are a family that loves to travel. Whether it’s a plane ride away or a car ride away, we love it all! There’s nothing like picking up from your regular routine and getting away to a brand new space to escape. Here comes a road trip! While on the road, in the car it could get a bit boring especially when it’s more than 3 hours and with kids…

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Blog/ Lifestyle/ Travel

Long Island Aquarium Visit

Last week was my big girl’s fourth birthday– another milestone down and millions more to go. When it comes to traditions and making someone feel special on their day we can go all out. We celebrated her birthday the day before up until Saturday, which you can read more about on Thursday here on the blog. Since Ziana loves animals we decided instead of going to the same zoos we…

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Beauty/Fashion/ Blog

Road Trip: Casual Ripped Jeans Look

If you followed me on my adventures this weekend through Youtube you know that I was on the hunt for the perfect black ankle jeans, not for any particular reason, but because losing some of this baby weight has me itching to get my ‘groove’ back and into some hot mama jeans. Also, ankle jeans can make your outfit look on point. Not all your jeans should have that extra…

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