I’m three months pregnant (tomorrow) and I can finally tell the world! It’s been a struggle having to keep it a secret not only from my boyfriend for a week, but from the Youtube world who I share every detail of my life with on a daily basis. I can finally share all these crazy horomones, my exhaustion and my sickness with my amigos! Many think the reason I finally…
My sex life! Well– not exactly telling you what I do in the sheets, but some things I’m reading up on to get knocked up for the second time. This may be a shocker, or actually may not be a shocker at all for many of you, but did you know that you could only get pregnant when your ovulating? Sure, go ahead and laugh, I’ll wait– I honestly thought…
Since being a stay-at-home-mom I have more time, which means I’ve dabbled in just about anything I can learn. I started a blog in July, been messing with taking pictures with my Nikon and using Light Room and now I’m trying to learn how to make videos. This past weekend I got Baby Z’s ears pierced and have it all on video. So while she was in tears I was…