Blog/ Lifestyle

I’m Thankful For…

boyfriend and girlfriend

Christmas is finally here– for those that celebrate it on Christmas Eve. There’s a lot to look back on this year and wonder what you did to make it to where you are right now (while you’re reading this).

Did you take the right path? Do you regret the decisions you made? Can you look back at yourself and be proud? Were you generous to others? I mean the questions go on and on.

Christmas puts a lot into perspective, about the person you’ve become. I’m not perfect and neither is my boyfriend, but he’s the perfect person I’ve always wanted to become. I don’t ever gush about him to anyone, much less on social media because that’s not me. But why not let him and the world know how lucky I am for once?

Besides being annoyingly smart with nonsense facts, having a generous heart which I’m still not use to, and an obsession with holiday traditions– he’s really not so bad. If someone is in a bad place he wants to be that person to help them out that rut. He’s that person to give anyone on the streets money (even if they’re just fakers). He’ll be that guy to pay for someone’s meal behind him at a McDonalds or Starbucks. Buy the homeless man on the subway platform breakfast. Spend his money on others when he doesn’t even have it.

I admire that greatly. Not many of us think of others, but ourselves. And I’m 100% guilty of this.

Life should bring out the best in everyone, but people usually do it most when Christmas is a week or two away. He reminds me of this weekly, if not daily. Holding a door for someone, complimenting someone or even just giving a dollar to the panhandler not knowing if they really need it or not will make both your days.

It’s hard to be generous, especially if you’re not use to it. But trust me it feels great. Greater than any material gift you can get. I love that he’s teaching me this everyday and I thank him for being him.

I don’t know why or how I got stuck (in a good way) with him, but I couldn’t have been more grateful for this wonderful gift and the greatest gift we created– Ziana.

family portrait

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