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How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?

How often do you wash your hair? Ziana came home from school the other day stating some teacher told her to wash her hair everyday. I immediately got snappy and said, “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”  I took offense- since I didn’t know the tone in which she said it or even why it came up, I ultimately just thought she was calling my daughter dirty. Took a breather and let Ziana know that it’s not good to wash your strands everyday.

How often should you wash your child's hair

The kids favorite question at this age, “why?”

I mean come on kid what’s with the hard questions? I’m not a stylist. I explained that washing it everyday washes away all the good oils. It wasn’t a good enough answer so I thought I’d do some research and share with all of you!

How often I wash my hair

InStyle gave a great analogy; “Like your favorite silk blouse, hair tends to lose its shine and dimension when given a run through the rinse cycle one too many times.” Stands true for your locks. I wash about 3 times a week and that’s because after a workout I tend to shower and wash my hair right after. For Ziana she washes her strands only 2 times a week; once during the week and once during the weekend. Her locks are absolutely gorgeous straight and thick, which makes it really hard to even notice that it’s been days since her last hair wash.

For us wavy/curly hair girls we can go days without a washing. For my fine hair ladies, even with your hair not looking brittle and dry– washing everyday still does major damage. And lets not forget those of you who use hot tools or have color treated hair, the damage is already there and washing out all the good oils aka Sebum (what moistens hair and keeps it from drying out) is just as bad.

Now stopping to wash your hair everyday or every other day might be something you think is undoable, but with anything in life, after a few tries it’ll get easier. Give it a try this upcoming Monday and give your hair a new reason to live!


Just remember, No one should need to wash his or her hair every day.

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  • Reply
    Sep 5, 2018 at 6:59 am

    Hmmm nice post i am habitual to wash my hairs 2 times a day i usually use Pantene with hair conditioner

    • Reply
      Sep 6, 2018 at 9:14 pm

      Hair conditioner all the way!!!

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