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Blog/ Parent-hood

Playboy Party for Kids!

This past weekend I wasn’t the only one dressed up in my Halloween outfit celebrating the best holiday ever! One of the hottest parties this past weekend was the Playboy mansion’s annual party. But the playmates weren’t the ones who made news, Kelsey Grammer and Kayte Grammer were. According to the Daily News parents of the year bought their three-month-old daughter to the sultry party. Kelsey defended his decision by…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

Mayor Bloomberg Picking on Newborns?

I was up and about at 8AM this morning with Baby Z, by the way if you’re wondering why I don’t mention her name it’s because I want to keep that private-for now. Anyways, yes the day started with a cry, a dirty diaper and about an hour of breast-feeding! Breast-feeding is a job in itself! When I was at the hospital I first tried it, it became painful that…

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