Browsing Tag:

being a mom

Blog/ Parent-hood

Must Have Products for New Expecting Parents

This post is sponsored by on behalf of Single Edition Media. As a new parent, I understand all the angst of having to deal with a human that’s growing inside of you and something you have to take care of for the-rest-of-your-life. On top of all that you also need to figure out what are some of the must have baby products you need as a new parent. Look…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

You Know You’re A Parent Of A Toddler When..

Life as a parent of a toddler is hard, exhausting, but usually always funny when you look back on it– 1. You dream of their favorite show like Sesame Street and secretly– or not secretly become obsessed. 2. You stay up watching Sesame Street or Fresh Beat Band way after they’ve been sleeping. 3. You start crying inconsolably like little one because you both don’t know what you want, haha.…

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