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Back-to-School Interview with my Toddler

back to school prek interview


My kid is going to school for the first time ever! I always pictured this day and thought I’d be super sad and in tears, I even thought I wouldn’t have her go to Pre-K because I’d miss her too much– but y’all, I CAN’T WAIT! You know this thing called freedom? Yes, I’m going to partially get it back a few hours a day, every week. Now, don’t get me wrong I love the kid, I really do, but man she’s just too much. There’s no way I was this crazy at her age– NO WAY!

I’m still going to feel a bit empty not having her there every second, but I know she’s going to love it! All she’s talked about since last year was school and how she so badly wants to go. I first introduced her to school about a two years ago when we were potty training and told her that if she wants to go to school she needs to learn to use the potty. That definitely lit some fire under her booty to get things right. When we went to visit some schools last year she’d even tell the teachers all about her knowing how to use the bathroom. Ziana looked in awe as she saw all the kids playing. Yeah, that’s what she thinks school is all about– playing!

With this new sense of freedom, comes new responsibilities and possibilities. Okay, so for one– new schedule to adapt to, not just for the kid, but the baby and myself. I like to sleep in, I go to bed at 1-2AM I like to sleep until Gunner wakes me up to feed which is at 8AM (same time Ziana starts) and just lay in bed with them as Ziana plays with her brother and I get a few more Z’s in– NOT ANYMORE! Now, I’m going have to wake up get myself ready (because I have to look good), get Gunner ready and then Z ready. Then try and get breakfast together for her, which I’m awful at because cereal in milk is what I usually do, then pack some snacks for her. This needs to happen all before 8am— 8am for a four-year-old (insert side eye). However, this is now going to light fire under my beautiful derriere to go to… (drum roll please) THE GYM!!!!

Sooooooo…. Ziana went to school for the first time last week and both daddy and mommy cried. I cried as if someone had died! You can catch all those first moments on our daily Youtube channel here! It was super emotional seeing MY FOUR-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER go to school. My daughter, I still at times can’t believe I grew up had a kid four years ago. One of the milestones in her life that I will always remember. Do I miss her while she’s gone? No. I neeeeeed that “me” time, although it’s not really me time with a 7-month-old, but it’s a nice break from a crazy four-year-old.

Yesterday I also went to the gym! I hate the gym, just thought I’d let you know, but there’s no other way besides changing my eating habits that I’m going to get my sexy back without working out these muscles. Ya’ll it’s going to be an exhausting life for me adding gym into this routine. I woke up at 6:15AM to get myself ready– eyebrows had to be filled and mascara had to be brushed in. Don’t judge. Then, prepare breakfast (oatmeal with fruits) and snacks for Ziana. Wake her up, get her dressed, brush her teeth and then beg her to eat breakfast. Got Gunner’s bottle ready, fed him (thankfully daddy was home) and off we went to school. Worked out for two hours to come back home make my smoothie, shower, edit the vlog, answer emails, doze off a million times, do my hair and add some decency to my face and go pick her up. To then go to the grocery store pick up baby food and then CVS to get my medication for my hormones. Coffee anyone?

I signed a year contract at the gym so unless I want to pay a cancelation fee, the gym life is going to be part of my new life. This new chapter is going to be a looooong read, and I don’t read much. Where’s the movie version?

How is your life with kids back in school?

prek starting school new schedule

motherhood blog

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  • Reply
    Sep 15, 2016 at 12:13 am

    Such a cute video –Hanna Lei

    Latest Post: The Estee Edit MetalliShadow

    • Reply
      Sep 15, 2016 at 12:57 pm

      Haha thanks!

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