
Bachelorette Party Ideas

This weekend I’m preparing to leave my sweet little cheetah girl, aka Buddha belly aka baby Z aka Ziana (I have many more names for her but I’ll stop there lol), for the weekend while I indulge in a girls weekend for my friends bachelorette party.

We aren’t going anywhere far just hanging in Atlantic City. It’s going to be a typical weekend nothing crazy– eat, tan, party and drink. My boyfriend swears there’s going to be a stripper, but there isn’t!

To be honest me and my friends aren’t really fond of male strippers. They’re just gross! I don’t want to see your jank all in my face or anyone else’s face. And not to mention their “moves” are very feminine its not sexy at all.


I always thought a bachelorette party was sleeping over someone’s house and bringing the party there. Talk about secrets, what you’re scared of about marriage, drink, and have games. Maybe I’m a bit traditional? Or just old? Lol.

All a bachelorette party is hanging out with your friends reminiscing how good the single life use to be. Yup, we may love our men and want to spend the rest of our lives with them, but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss the single life.

Here are some ideas for your bachelorette party–

1. Like I said a sleepover with your girls drinking, eating like a pig, playing fun/naughty games and watching movies is an idea.


2. Or during the sleepover you can completely do something different and just do kid-like things. Such as play video games, paint each others nails, do each others hair, listen to music from your era, pillow fight, water balloon fight (for outside).

3. Going club/bar hopping and just living in the moment with no worries.


4. Going to a strip club if that’s your thing.

5. Scavenger hunt! It’s basically a list of things to do throughout the night like dancing on the bar or giving a guy your underwear. Yeah, I’m a bit extreme lol.

6. Dress up in costumes (super heroes, spice girls, Disney princesses) and dare to be bold and flaunt it in public!


7. Make a YouTube video while you’re a bit intoxicated or fully intoxicated and post it! Yes, it’s daring.

8. Beer pong striptease! For every shot missed you have to take a piece of clothing off (oh wait, that should be left for when boys are there lol) or someone has to do something to your appearance like a crazy hair-do or put underwear on your head or tie your hand to a table.

9. Go to an amateur strip club and strut your stuff! For fun no need to take clothes off. I don’t think this is a bad idea (side eye) lol.


10. Go out to eat to a restaurant no one has gone to, everyone make up fake names, life, accent and role play.

11. Road trip to another state together. Close or far and for however long you want.

12. Try going to a burlesque show. Or a drag-queen show.

That’s about all the ideas I’ve seen or came up with.

Do you have any ideas to add?

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    Betzy Carmona
    Jun 20, 2013 at 11:28 pm


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