Browsing Tag:

a back to school list

Blog/ Giveaway/ Lifestyle/ Parent-hood/ Ziana

Target Back-to-School Season Giveaway

Target Back-to-School Giveaway Season Annnnnnnd back-to-school is here, I also have a first grader y’all. I’m officially a mother of a 2-year-old and first grader. I still don’t believe I’m a mom sometimes, has it really been 6 years since Ziana Eliz was cut out of me? If it’s one thing I was looking forward to was getting back into routine, although I enjoy sleeping in, it was terrible having…

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Blog/ Parent-hood

What’s Up with the Back-to-School Supplies

Five-years ago I gave birth to my first kid, Ziana Eliz. Fast-forward to today and she’s finally attending school. Sure, she attended Pre-k last year, but lets face it– Pre-k is play school. This is the first year it’s going to be a bit more towards what the rest of her years ahead are going to look like in school. It was also the first year I had to encounter…

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