Blog/ Parent-hood

Newest Baby Products at the Baby Show

new york baby show products for parents

It’s the most wonderful time of the year– THE NEW YORK BABY SHOW came to town this past weekend. Since becoming a mother this event is something that is a must for me to attend. It’s a pretty huge event full of vendors from huge baby lines to newbies who have invented just mind-blowing products. This time around the whole family came with me to join in on the festivities. Let’s dive right into some of the highlights! Now if you’re more of a visual person and want to see more products that won’t be mentioned here check out my video over on my Youtube channel down below-

gb pockit stroller
Starting off with the show-stopper at the baby show– the GB Pockit stroller, the smallest folding stroller to ever exist. I feel proud about this too because as you may know our stroller is the GB Evoq Travel System and we love it! We’ve been eyeing this Pockit stroller for awhile too. It’s small, lightweight and self-stands when folded. See the demonstration on my Instagram!

Project Nursery
With a newborn my obsession becomes finding the perfect baby monitor to spy on him when I’m not around. I had a few options on my baby registry and ended up getting one which unfortunately is terrible! Introducing Project Nursery— high definition video, easy navigation, two-way communication all in a sleek style. The package depending which size monitor you get (5″ monitor or 4.3″ monitor) comes with the monitor, camera and a mini monitor! Although the camera may be bulky for some, I loved it. I loved how easy it was to spy on your kid, being able to remote pan/zoom and tilt the camera whichever way you wanted. The best part was the mini monitor which you could attach to your jeans (for example) or latch it on to their watch bracelet which comes with the kit. More key features; battery life lasts from 8-16 hours, range of 800 feet, room temperature sensor, infrared night vision, pairing up to four cameras, record video/snap photos and play white noise, nature sounds and lullabies. I know!

Chicco travel high chair
With a newborn around I’m definitely looking into highchairs, so this Chicco PocketSnack Booster Seat definitely caught my eye. We live in a NYC apartment where we don’t have much room so storage is definitely something we don’t have. This convenient carry strap and compact fold booster chair is perfect to take along to restaurants, on vacation, or even for your own home!

4moms high chair
Now this high chair I also went ga-ga for. 4 Moms is great for having for sleek and stylish designs so that’s what caught my eye first with their new high chair. It’s not bulky like many other high chairs, it doesn’t have any nooks and crannies and isn’t made of any fabric which is ideal because how many times does food get stuck in between all those nooks and never get cleaned? Gross! The tray is made of magnets so the tray stays on with magnetic forces and with purchases of 4Moms bowls/plates those too will stay put if for some reason the tray happens to fall over. Another great feature is that the high chair can adjust to their levels starting from a semi-low point, like a couch, to a higher point where your table may be.

cozy bump
When I was pregnant I would give anything to lay flat on my stomach! Sleeping on either your right or left side for 6-months gets really uncomfortable. These two good looking people in the photo invented The Cozy Bump, which allows mommy’s to lay on their stomach by basically creating a pool float– hole where our bellies would go and as your belly grows you can let some air out to adjust with you. The fabric is soft and breathable which won’t make you sweaty and uncomfortable. If you see the bottom of the Cozy Bump has a decline where your legs would go and that’s for the purpose of decompressing the spine and relieving pressure to the lower back. Comes with a carry bag so you can take this beauty on the go!

baby ktan
You all saw my baby carrier fail video where I attempted to put on a baby carrier and it just was a hot mess! Those things are very complicated and since then I never attempted at it again. I want simplicity, but didn’t want those huge blankets either. Baby K’tan answered my prayers. If you watch the video from that day you’ll see the demonstration of how she put it on and it’s amazing! Like mostly other baby carries– it distributes weight across your back and shoulders, head support for your baby, has a small compartment for storage (paper etc). Simple is better and I definitely need the Baby K’tan for trips into the city!

lona micro bubbles
This next company maybe have invented the greatest shower head ever! The Lona Micro Bubbles apparently helps with improving your skin with their micro bubbles. Micro bubbles means that there are extremely tiny bubbles which only uses water and air to effectively get into your pores and clean all the yuckiness from our body. When we use regular shower heads the water just cleans the surface of the skin, not deep cleaning our skin. Their website claims to work with order removal, anti-bacterial effect, keratin removal, skin aging prevention, fatigue restoration, and improving various skin diseases(atopy), asthma, bronchitis, and nerve system. It really did feel amazing and different when I tried out their sink nozzle, but I could only let you know if it works if I of course try it out myself. They also had a stroller streilzer machine and wand, which was pretty cool ad you can check that out in my video.

drivers little helper
We’ve all heard about one story or another regrading kids dying in cars because their parents/caregivers forgot they were even there, this here Driver’s Little Helper helps with that. It’s a car seat monitor that works with any car seat and syncs with your smartphone to provide key alerts about the comfort and safety of your child such as notifying you if your child is too hot/cold, if they get out of their car seats, and send an alert when the car is at a stop to make sure everyone is out of the car!

moms pump here
Saving the best for last Moms Pump Here which is the app I raved about last year. There are some breastfeeding moms out there who can let it all hang out in public, but then there’s other moms who like to breastfeed in private, but sometimes finding a spot to breastfeed can be a task. The ‘Moms Pump Here’ app has a ‘Nursing Room Locator’ which helps you find vetted spots to nurse, which mean you don’t have to use public bathrooms to nurse anymore. Put in your zipcode, locate areas near you and find reviews.

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  • Reply
    May 31, 2016 at 5:48 pm

    cute family! great review! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Reply
    May 25, 2016 at 10:08 am

    great review! love your top knot bun too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Reply
    Nicole Feliciano
    May 23, 2016 at 11:58 am

    You have so much personality, loved the vlog!

    • Reply
      May 24, 2016 at 11:18 pm

      Aw thank you! I appreciate that ๐Ÿ™‚

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