Blog/ Parent-hood

Jaywalking Mom Kills Son–

Who hasn’t jaywalked right?

We all have. We all jaywalk because we like to save time.

And although we know it’s a crime (at least some of us do) we continue to do it without thinking of the possible repercussions.

I jaywalk to a certain extent, but never to the extreme where there’s massive oncoming traffic or I’m hanging the stroller out on the street while I’m safe on the sidewalk waiting to cross. I think I’m playing it safe until–


Raquel Nelson didn’t think that by jaywalking, something I’m sure she’s done in the past with her children, would result in a low-life scumbag drunk-driver Jerry Guy (who by the way has a rap-sheet of drunk-driving) killing her 4-year-old son.

It was late at night when Nelson got off the bus with her three children and she chose to cross the street at the bus stop, instead of the nearest cross walk which was three-tenths of a mile away equaling to about 6-minutes and 43-seconds.

In July 2011 Nelson was convicted of three misdemeanors: second-degree homicide by a vehicle, crossing roadway elsewhere than a cross walk and reckless conduct.

Can you imagine that jaywalking could change your whole life in an instant? The death of a child is hard enough, but being convicted of his death is even worse.

With all the charges she was convicted of it amounted to one year probation and 40 hours of community service or a retrial.


She chose the retrial.

No one wants to be convicted of killing their son, but that seems like an okay deal compared to what Nelson could face this time around– 2 years in prison. Which would be more time then the scum-bag-drunk-driver Jerry Guy got who was sentenced to only 5-years and was out after 6-months!


Crazy right? It’s just another case that proves how backwards our system truly is.

If anything Nelson should’ve only been charged with reckless endangerment– I would get it up to that, but manslaughter!?

I guess the next step would be making ads and billboards on not to jaywalk so more people can be aware of the consequences.

Nelson’s new trial begins today!

What are your thoughts?

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  • Reply
    Jun 14, 2013 at 12:57 am

    Ay Dios Mio! I don’t even know what to say, this is every mother’s nightmare! She will carry this tragedy for the rest of her days and what will happen to him? A mere slap on the wrist I’m sure!

    • Reply
      Jun 14, 2013 at 1:04 pm

      I know! Can you believe it? Unfair and unjust, but that’s the world we live in huh? Smh

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