**This post is in collaboration with Disney Baby and Blue Apron. All reviews and opinions are my own. I was compensated with the feeding seat and Blue Apron meals** Happy 6-months to Gunner Patrick! It’s been quite an adjustment with having a second kid for us and a brother for Ziana. The sleepless nights are still holding on strong 6-months later and the milestones continue to happen at a steady…
I’ve been a dedicated Vicks user since I was a little girl. I’m not sure if it was only my family or a particular group of people, but we grew up on Vicks VapoRub for everything; headaches, cold, stuffy nose, you name it we probably whipped out that tub of VapoRub and slapped some on. Even when we had colds we would buy Nyquil to get us through those rough…
Why do many women feel that once there a mother they need to completely change? For instance their looks and wardrobe. Of course, I’m not condoning a mother to wear booty shorts or a plunging neck line t-shirt with no bra on while walking with their child, but the sexiness of them gets completely swept under the rug. There just isn’t effort put forth towards your outward appearance. And you…
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Bloggers Connect and Huggies®. Babies R’ Us has provided me with a $50 gift card to supply to one reader for a giveaway. I have been financially compensated to provide my opinion and review of the products. Even though I received compensation for this post, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on the products. The views and…
This weekend I hung out with a childhood friend, Daniela, who is married with no kids. It was great catching up and talking about the old days. I left Ziana with daddy since she had been a huge pain the past three days. While Daniela spoke I realized how different our lives were and started to wonder if it wasn’t for Ziana how different my life would be. Would I…
With babies come sleepless nights, exhaustion, feedings around the clock and changing diapers for a living. Besides wondering what your child should be eating or what their sleeping habits are going to be, another good question many parents have and expecting parents is which diapers to buy and where? Let me start off by saying there is no right answer it all depends what you child is comfortable with, which…
With another holiday here of course you know my little Buddha belly Ziana had to have a shoot done by me! I ended up shooting at my parent’s house since the lighting is way better than in my house. I purchased everything that was used in the shoot at Michael’s– headband, plates, white board, and heart decors. The outfit Ziana has on which says, “Daddy’s Little Valentine” was purchased at…
This weekend was filled with running errands which was so boring! First stop was the car dealership to get the car checked out since it always acts funny when we are heading to Pennsylvania. While the car was at the dealership we went to go Bed Bath and Beyond to get a big cooking pot and see if I could pick up some decorations for Ziana’s Thanksgiving shoot, I was…